HtmlInputCheckBox HtmlInputHidden
Allows programmatic access to the HTML <input type=file
> element on the server.
The HtmlInputFile control <input type=file runat="server"
> handles uploading of binary or text files from a client browser to the server. File upload works with all HTML 3.2 and later Web clients.
<input type=file
> creates a file upload object with a text box and
browse button. This control allows users to select files, the contents of which are submitted with a form.
Users can enter a file path in the text box or click on the browse button to
browse the file system. Authors may also specify an initial file name thru the control’s Value attribute.
The following sample illustrates using the HtmlInputFile control.
Note that the Enctype attribute on the <form
> tag must be set to multipart/form-data.
HtmlInputFile Control Syntax FileUpload Web Server Control HTML INPUT Element