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behavior Attribute | behavior Property

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Specifies the location of the DHTML Behavior.


CSS { behavior : url( sLocation ) }
Script behavior [ = 'url( sLocation )" ]

Possible Values

url( sLocation ) Specifies a script implementation of a behavior, where sLocation is an absolute or relative URL.
url( #objID ) Specifies a binary implementation of a behavior, where objID is the ID attribute specified in an <OBJECT> tag.
url( #default#behaviorName ) Specifies one of Microsoft Internet Explorer's default behavior, identified by its behaviorName.

The property is read/write with no default value; the proposed cascading stylesheet ( CSS ) extension attribute is not inherited.


The following examples demonstrate various ways of using the behavior property on a page.

The following example implements an expanding/collapsing Table of Contents by applying the COLLAPSING behavior inline to the LI element. Note that in this case, the behavior is implemented as an HTML Component ( HTC ), and is defined in the file /sample/

   <li style="behavior: url( )">Authoring
      <li>IE authoring tips

This same example could have defined the behavior attribute in a separate <STYLE> block, as follows:

   .collapsing { behavior: url( ) }

   <li class="collapsing">Authoring
      <li>IE authoring tips

The behavior property could also have been set in client-side script in this manner:

<script language="JavaScript">
function window.onload ( ) { = "url( )";
   <li id="topicID">Authoring
      <li>IE authoring tips

This feature requires Microsoft® Internet Explorer® 5 or later.

If the same expanding/collapsing example were to use a behavior implemented in C++ as an ActiveX control, the code would look slightly different. Note that the behavior attribute points to the ID property of the object specified in the <OBJECT> tag.

   .collapsing { behavior: url( #myObject ) }

<object id="myObject" ... ></object>
   <li class="collapsing">Authoring
      <li>IE authoring tips

The following example attaches one of the persistence behaviors, saveHistory, to the INPUT element. The saveHistory behavior is implemented as one of the default behaviors introduced in Internet Explorer® 5.

<input class="persist1"
   style="behavior: url( #default#saveHistory )">
See Also

DHTML Behaviors Overview, Using DHTML Behaviors

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