System.Globalization Namespace
Contains information about the country/region.
In contrast to CultureInfo, RegionInfo does not represent preferences of the user and does not depend on the user's language or culture.
The RegionInfo name is one of the two-letter codes defined in ISO 3166 for country/region. Case is not significant; however, the Name, the TwoLetterISORegionName, and the ThreeLetterISORegionName properties return the appropriate code in uppercase.
The below shows several examples of using the RegionInfo class.
The first example displays a list of the predefined RegionInfo names accepted and used by this class and other classes in the System.Globalization namespace.
The next example lists currency information for each of the predefined RegionInfo names.
While the last example shows some practical usage of the RegionInfo class.
CultureInfo ASP.NET Globalization